I've believed that America was the land of the damned way before Jeremiah Wright's much publicized declaration from the pulpit. I'm frankly disappointed in Barak Obama's tepid speech today, declaring his strident disagreement with Wright. I'm truly left with no one to vote for. Clinton has proved to be politics as usual. McCain is just f-ing crazy predicting 100 more years of endless war and more wars. Now, Obama loses his damn nerve.
America is damned all right - damned with idiotic politicians who only know how to pander, pander, pander.
Instead of contextualizing Rev. Wright's excellent and spot on sermons, Obama repudiates him. Instead of saying, "You're damn right, America is damned for how it wastes its money on war and pisses all over the least of these," he talks about how badly he deplores anyone dissing the Fatherland.
Way to go, Obama. Thanks for betraying the incredible prophetic words of your mentor and going all wishy washy so you won't offend someone.
Here's the truth: prophets are offensive. Prophets speak truth to power. You, Obama, are so hungry for power you'll swallow your passion and deliver a tepid, timid speech in which you callously dispose of a man who dares to speak truth to power so you can placate the wingnuts of the world.
Shame on you.
You had a chance to frame the debate - to call America back to a state where she can be blessed by God and you blew it. You waved the flag, defended America right or wrong, and basically proved you're simply a politician like the rest of them - more eloquent, speaking of hope, but ultimately speaking with a forked tongue like the other two.
Oh, yes, America is damned - damned with a stupid press ready to pounce on a left-leaning preacher who damns America but gives passes to others who have done the same thing. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell,
John Hagee - each professing America's damnation for accepting gays, giving women equality and freeing slaves. No one makes a peep about them - but let a black preacher damn America for how it treats poor people and people of color and look out! It's both barrels and no mercy.
God damn America.
I'm sick of it. Sick of all the politicians and their media enablers. Unless we wake up to the damnation of our own doing, we deserve the politicians and the media we get.
America is damned and and until we end this pointless war and work to end poverty, ignorance and fear in our land, we'll remain damned for eternity - and fittingly so.
Chew on that Obama when Justice Roberts swears in President McCain. You helped it happen.