Monday, December 18, 2006

Welcome to the new Christian Agnostic

Hey all,

It seems that running Word Press on the Whosoever site eats up a LOT of disk space, so I'm axing Word Press and turning to for some free space so I can, well, have more free space over at Whosoever! Thank you,!

For those new to the blog, let's review why we're called The Christian Agnostic:

“The Christian Agnostic” is inspired by Leslie Weatherhead’s 1965 book by the same name. It was Weatherhead’s words that helped me reclaim my faith in the face of many events (not the least of which was the acknowledgement of my natural sexual orientation) that shattered my old beliefs in Christianity.

Weatherhead defines a Christian Agnostic as someone “who is immensely attracted by Christ who seeks to show his spirit, to meet the challenges, hardships and sorrows of life in the light of that spirit, but who, though he is sure of many Christian truths, feels that he cannot honestly and conscientiously ’sign on the dotted line’ that he believes certain theological ideas about which some branches of the church dogmatize.”

The Christian Agnostic is written by Candace Chellew. I am a recovering Southern Baptist and founder/editor of Whosoever: An Online Magazine for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Christians. I am an ordained minister and I hold (well, I had framed) a master’s in theological studies from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Ga. I am also a spiritual director, trained through the Omega Point program at the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. I am currently the assistant pastor at Garden of Grace United Church of Christ in Columbia, S.C. In my past life, I worked for the past two decades in journalism and public relations.


RevCindi said...

Glad to see you up and posting again. I've missed your blog!

Anonymous said...

I just found your site when I Googled "Christian Agnostic", after having read Weatherhead's wonderful book.

My religious background is chequered and documented on my own blog, so I won't go into it here! Suffice it to say that for the past year I've found great peace as a Liberal Anglican, after having been buffeted around because of being transgender.

However, finding this book on the shelf of a charity bookshop and being curious immediately on seeing the title, I had to buy and read it, and immediately thought of several friends who I knew would love and benefit from reading it.

These ideas have given me a fresh understanding and appreciation for my faith and brought a very welcome breath of realism and authenticity into parts of me that I was struggling to authenticate!

I look forward to reading more here...

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Blogger! I'm looking forward to more of your posts.

Anonymous said...


I'd like to link to your site if that is okay.

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Hugs Candace. I'm linking to you with a post on my blog, Amazon Pollyanna, at The Second Reformation.

Gareth Fenley